Yes being pregnant can be a wondrous time, but if it is your first pregnancy then there is also some apprehension that can come with it. My sister and a few of my friends are currently in their 1st pregnancy and I can tell you I am asked many questions about what they should and shouldn’t be doing, whom should they talk to about specific questions and so on.
Of course there are many things you can do to increase your knowledge and awareness of what changes are occurring to your body and how to prepare yourself for the impending birth. Firstly talk to your treating doctor, they will be able to answer most of your questions about what foods you can safely eat and what lifestyle habits you need to stop (i.e. smoking and drinking alcohol). If you have specific questions relating to your nutritional requirements for pregnancy, food intolerances or vitamin supplements I would suggest seeking the advice of a Dietitian or Nutritionist. If you want to know what exercise is safe to be performed during pregnancy then I would suggest consulting with an Exercise Physiologist and/or Physiotherapist. The varying questions you have, will be dependent on whom is the best ‘expert’ to answer them, so ask your questions carefully or ask a friend who has been through pregnancy before. Often ‘word of mouth’ is the best way to find the right health professional to talk to.
I remember when I was pregnant with my twins I wanted to know more than the generic information I received from the midwife, obstetrician, or through my antenatal classes. I started reading books, I borrowed from the local library, friends and even purchased some of my own. I also utilized the internet – there are many websites dedicated to pregnancy.
During pregnancy many women will make a conscious decision to improve their lifestyle – whether it is to stop smoking, start eating healthier foods or to exercise regularly. Whatever their decision, most women are driven by increased knowledge and awareness of what pregnancy is and how it changes their life. I encourage those of you who are currently pregnant – don’t be afraid to ask questions or search for the information you seek. The more knowledge you have, the more in control you will feel and the better choices you will be able to make about improving your lifestyle.
Here are some simple tips on how to modify your current lifestyle to improve your own health and wellbeing, and that of your unborn child;
- Eat healthy and nutritious food regularly (e.g. 5 small meals per day) to keep you energy levels up,
- Get at least 8hrs sleep per night (you may find in your 1st Trimester that you will need more sleep as your baby does most of its growing during this time and you will feel more tired)
- Drink at least 2 Litres of water per day to keep your body hydrated
- Start light to moderate exercise (e.g. walking, pilates, swimming) and build up slowly,
- Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
- Decrease the amount of caffeine you consume (i.e. tea, coffee, cola drinks, energy drinks)
- Try and decrease the amount of stress (e.g. listen to easy listening music, have a massage, read a book)
Rest when you can – when carrying a baby there is a lot of extra strain placed on your body and its organs, so it is imperative that you are not standing on your feet too long during the day.
If part of changing your lifestyle includes ‘eating healthier’ and/or ‘exercising regularly’ contact the team at Merendi on 1300 881 536 and we can advise you on the best management plan for you.